Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Difference Between Stress and Strain in Strength of Materials

In mechanics of solids, the knowledge of difference between
stress and strain is very important. When an external force is applied on a
body, it starts to deform. the external force applied on the body induces a
resisting force within the body, when this resisting force is taken on unit
area is called stress. There is a change in the dimension of the body due to
the induced stress. The ratio of this change in dimension with the original
dimension of the body is called strain.

Difference Between Stress and Strain in Tabular Form

Comparison Between Stress and Strain

The various comparison between stress and strain are as follows:
  • Stress is the resisting force per unit area where as strain
    is the deformation per unit area.
  • The stress is given by the ratio of resisting force to the cross
    section area of the body. The strain is given by the ratio of change in
    dimension to the original dimension.
  • The stress is denoted by the symbol ‘σ’ and strain by ‘e’.
  • The unit of stress is N/m2 or N/mm2
    whereas the strain does not have units.
  • The stress can exist without strain but the existence of
    strain without stress in not possible.
This is all about the difference between stress and strain
in strength of materials. If you find any suggestion regarding this article
than you can comment us. If you found this article informative or useful than
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